Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bridging the Cocoons

The ability to hold different points of view simultaneously. That's the skill to develop. Everyone getting to have their say and everyone being able to navigate all that's expressed for the full comprehension and appreciation of all.

Anything short of that brings resentment, misunderstanding, bullying, unilateral decision making, leaving others out, stepping on toes, disprespecting. And that's no fun.

I wonder why we don't do this better. Not wanting to risk losing the stability of our own positions? Inability to comprehend other points of view? Preference for one's own point of view over everyone else's? Not wanting to be bullied by others? Insecurity about holding one's own? Fear of boggling?

We are biased toward our own cocoons. Bridging beyond them is the great challenge. And that means being able to be open to what's going on in others' cocoons.


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