Saturday, October 24, 2009

still pursuing...

I have been cooking today.  A lamb ragu which will go over penne pasta and then some roasted, carmelized cauliflower for a side note.  Earlier, Mac and I went for a quick bike ride on this gorgeous fall day.  Tonight, the little Central Oregon symphony is playing Mozart and we'll be there for that.  So yeah, I love to cook and savor and listen to music and riding a bike is the best way to feel 9 years old again....when riding a bike no hands was so wicked fun.  Remember?

I was thinking about homemade.  How homemade can feel so happy and earthy and satisfying--a slower how cooking ragu is a lesson in patience.  Adding half cup after half cup of wine, then broth, then tomatoes......reducing it all down to this mellow rich essence.

It's a funny way to get happy but it's completely workin' for me today.  Bon appetit!

1 comment:

  1. "Savoring" is a good word. A worthy patience. Sounds like you not only pursued happiness, but you found it. Way to go!

    Hey, is it good bike riding where you live?

