Wednesday, November 4, 2009

lush tropics

Last weekend  I went back to Colorado to visit my daughters.  It was my first visit back since I moved to Oregon in May, after getting married to someone who lives here....My daughter Emily is 22, married and both she and her husband work for a church.  Julia is 19 and a sophomore at CSU studying music therapy.  They needed new clothes, tires, oil changes and since they are both valiantly trying to make a go of things (and in Emily's case working for God doesn't pay so great) it was my pleasure to throw all their needs on my lovely credit card.

Then yesterday I had a tooth ache and the dentist that I work for (as a hygienist) took a kajillion x-rays and I have a cracked tooth that needs a crown and 2 wisdom teeth need to be violently (my imagination)extracted because one of them has an abcess, though I can't feel it.

So yeah, I feel like I'm hemorraging money.

Last night I dreamt that my husband Mac and I were trying to get away for a tropical vacation and kept being thwarted by a huge wolf, an unhappy housesitter and some problem with transportation.  The wolf I can still see.  But I also see that I am now in a happy marriage that feels like a tropical vacation every beautiful day.  And yeah, sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and send thanks into the mess.  Thank you beautiful daughters who show me how to be strong and idealistic again.  Thank you kind Mac who makes me want to be kinder.  Thank you abcess, for, uhm, not hurting? 

1 comment:

  1. Life may be a walk in the park, but the park is strewn with large, looming, ominous dream symbols, not always so easy to navigate around. Sounds like you're doing pretty well, Donna!

