Thursday, November 5, 2009


I attended a pot luck last Friday, the starts of a series of films having to do with climate change, money, 2012, global shift, etc. I almost didn't go because partly I've heard so much about this kind of thing, and I tend to come up feeling left out, no sense of how to apply any of the information in a positive way. But I thought I'd give it one more try, be willing to be open another step further. I thought maybe some connection would come along that could give me some further sense of direction.

I met this guy named Tom and we got to talking about this house he's building not far from where I live. He's trying to make it efficient and self sufficient and a possible teaching aid for the community. Turns out he could use some help, and since I'm only part time employed, I said I was interested.

I visited him Tuesday, and we spent a good three hours while he showed me the house and we got to know each other better. Interesting guy. Three years older than me. Done the hippie thing, the PhD thing, large scale compost system engineering in the UK... Really has a drive to give back to the community, share his knowledge, create something of enduring value, have fun and keep learning.  He's quite agile. A successful college football player who practiced ballet to help with his sense of balance and movement. Pretty well connected in town among other tradesmen who like to help each other on a give and give back basis. Very resourceful, doesn't mind making mistakes, likes big projects.

I started yesterday working for him. But he'd like to say working "with" him. We exceeded his expectations on what he hoped to accomplish. Worked well together. Going into it this time, I really tried to be aware of any concerns I might have getting involved with him. But we keep working things out to my satisfaction. I really can't think of any concerns I have, other than working 30 feet off the ground on rather questionable support structures. But he's relatively safety oriented, and heck, if it's my time to go, well, I go.

So this could be a very cool next adventure for me. Practicing in the construction trades, dry wall, flooring, woodwork, finishing, landscaping, etc etc. So far so good. And that makes me happy, finding something I can sink my interests and abilities into, that has some opening for perhaps long term investing and rewards in something I find meaningful, not too stressful, in the spirit of fun and learning and making positive contributions.



  1. Awesome Steve and good for you, for being available to help and to being open to a new person and experience. I'd love to hear about it more ss you go along!

  2. Well, this time I'm trying to be really open to caution signs and not deluding myself into thinking things are better than they are. And we're taking it day by day and seeing how things progress.

    Our priorities are:
    Have fun
    Be productive
    Learn new things
    Be safe
    Contribute to the larger community
    Look for the best idea
    Be alright with making mistakes and corrections.

    So it's been 3 half days we've been putting up sheet rock on this high ceiling, and each day we're having a lot of fun and working well together and getting the job done. I've really enjoyed the camaraderie. He wants me back next week, and so do I.

    Yesterday, Kim and I went over to see the place and met Tom and his wife and daughter. And they ended up coming over to see our house which has some energy efficiencies built in. We all got along pretty well, I thought. Could be friends. We helped load up the back of his truck with bags of horse manure, because they can use all they can get to build up the soil on their 5 acres. So that's cool, too, that we've got a place that wants our manure. I can take some over every time I go to work there.

    It's so interesting how we never really know what's next. And one chance meeting of a new person can suddenly shift our whole world.

