Monday, September 7, 2009


The bathroom didn't turn out like I expected. The top layer of old existing paint on the walls was less stable than I'd hoped, so I spent a bunch of time chipping it away, sweeping up all the debris, and finally accepting it was more trouble that it was worth to remove all of the old top coat. The unevenness of the seam between ceiling and walls made it impossible to paint a smooth straight edge, not to mention the not so great brushes I was trying to paint with and the awkward position of having to paint while looking up steeply, and the fickleness of my paint delivery. Then I found that the earthy red paint that Rosie chose went on too thin to cover with a first coat. 

What I've ended up with so far doesn't match my image of the results I was hoping for. The off-white underneath is showing through, some places are much darker than others, and the edges are all rough and wobbly looking. Definitely not the even and clean look I was anticipating.

Somehow, this didn't really upset me too much. I sorted through the mess of stuff packed away in cupboards and shelves. I got to listen to a bunch of interesting podcasts. I stopped and ate chocolate now and then. I got the bathroom a lot cleaner than it was before. And the way it looks now sort of makes me laugh. It's satisfyingly odd and quirky and defiantly disordered. It looks like something a peasant might have done in 16th century Europe.

I can put another coat of paint on eventually. And meanwhile, I can enjoy the relative artful chaos as it stands now.

I could have been perturbed that the results didn't match my expectations. But I wasn't for some reason. I guess I just didn't want to get that upset. What happened, happened. Kind of amusing, actually. I'd say I found a satisfying amount of happiness throughout the overall process, quite aside from the limits of my expectations. Maybe expectations aren't all they're built up to be.



  1. my take on expectations is an old recovery line...expecations lead to resentments. i really needed this remind me to endeavor always to keep acceptance high and expectations low...thanks steve

  2. Being nothing, one is open to everything. Sounds good, and it does emphasize the value of staying open.

    On the other hand, I don't think we can help but have preferences, and then to anticipate our next steps in favor of our preferences, and then prepare for them best we can.

    All things in moderation, I guess. Neither an over-expector nor an under-expector be. Expect wisely and with a certain skepticism to their accuracy.

