Saturday, September 26, 2009

Getting What I Want

It's been hot. Damn hot here. Sweaty, sticky, baking sun on rain drenched earth hot. Yesterday I agreed when one of the students said they couldn't wait for it to cool down. Last night it cooled down. This morning, I'm almost chilly.

What if it was always that simple. Ask for it, and it happens. Yeah, thats my power, to change the weather. I'm like an X-Man. I can do that. Wait, no I can't. But what if it was that simple?

Sometimes, and this occurs to me in random moments, though, it is.

Thats where I am right now. Something elusive in my life has come knocking. Something I thought about, something I wanted. Something good.

And now... well I don't know what the hell to do.

It's like going to bed in the heat and waking up in the cool. You have to ask yourself, did I do that? And if I did, what do I do next? How do I respond to a Universe which says yes. I think the answer might be to go ahead and show up, and say OK, thanks for that gift. I think the answer might be to be grateful, rather than to pick it apart at the seams and find all the reasons why it wasn't what I wanted after all.

So, now I'm wondering if I can do that.

1 comment:

  1. Out of raw incoming life experience, we can draw out practically endless story telling, analysis, second guessing, thinking it through countless different ways, wondering what it really all means, and what we're really to make of it all. It's an amazing, practically all-consuming kind of captivity of imagination, which I suppose is what imagination is looking for.
