Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm in Idaho this week, visiting Carol who I have known since 1977.  She is one of the contributors on this blog and will write soon.  (She keeps talking to me and I say "Write that on the blog....") and she will, once her garden-on-steroids quits producing like a 100 tomatoes a day.

Anyway, I'm in Idaho.  Everyone is at work and soon I will hop in the hot tub in the early fall chill.  The Selkirk's are obscured by puffy white clouds but Paradise Valley is clear and achingly lovely below.

I had a piece of apple pie for breakfest.  Carol and I decided that we would make one new pie every day this week from a new cookbook she gave me called "Sweety Pies".  The crust from the cookbook is to die for and so far all the pie's themselves get up and sing happiness.  Huckleberry the other day, Apple last night and Lemon will be this afternoon.  Plus, to add another note to a good song-- the huckleberries Carol herself picked and the apples I plucked from her orchard.

I've given up pursuing happiness because it just shows up all on it's own.



  1. oh how i wish i was there...
    pursuit of happiness indeed...maybe we need to change the name to "awareness of happiness"
    tell carol i said hello

  2. For dinner tonight we had beefsteak tomatoes drizzled with olive oil, cucumber salad, corn on the cob, grilled eggplant and ribeye steaks. All the veggies were picked from the garden about an hour before we ate them. Then we had lemon pie to finish up with.

    I am going to sleep on her screened porch tonight under a down comforter. I'll listen for the wild turkeys in the woods, coyotes later, and the lonely sound of the trains in the distance.

    But mostly I will sleep.... after counting my blessings like sheep, one by one.

    G'night all.

  3. So much happiness to pick from or to be picked out by. Rub the lamp, and out it all swirls.

    You're like a fly fisher catching rainbow trout out of flowing streams.


  4. Speaking of fishing (you started it, Steve!)we are heading up to the Moyie to flyfish this evening. I haven't fly fished in two years so I'll be rusty and awkard but still! Then we'll go get ribs at this funny little restaurant close by that has a really cool jukebox. I love jukeboxes.....they make me ridiculously happy.

    Carol says that right about now everyone on the blog is secretly hating me. And trust me, I could tell you some sad stories that would curl your hair but I'm just having a good run. Carol's husband Steve says that when your life has been in the deep dark pits for awhile, when happiness shows up again it's in proportion to how deep down the pits were. So there you go....

    I start a new job next Tuesday so I won't have a vacation for awhile.....which is why I'm maximizing this week. I"m a dental hygienist by trade and a poet by calling. Anyway, Carol and I are off in search of another good day so see ya!

  5. No hatred here, Donna. I very much appreciate your entries. Congrats on new job, too! --Steve

  6. Yeah, the job! A healthy dental office with positive interpersonal dynamics and an ethical, competent dentist who thinks of doing dentistry as play. I've never experienced all of the above in one place. I'm really excited PLUS they have all the latest tools of the trade....digital xrays, computerized charts, etc. I was working at a place in Colorado that was just SO SAD. I was always trying to affect positive change or even just be a light but ended beating my head up against such stubborn opposition to any kind of change or even a semblance of a healthy dynamic, even the most minimal. So in the last year, when I knew I was leaving, I just hunkered down and made it to the end. The grimmest of marathons. Of course, the best part of any dental job is always the interactions with the patients. SO many favorites and I look forward to meeting lots of great people.
